
Posts Tagged ‘inspiration’

Dear Reader~

The art of writing, 1790.

WordPress has posted a challenge and I am being bold to say ‘Yes! I will post once a week in 2011.’

The keyboard will not lie there quiet and stifled any longer. Pen and paper will be at my side all day long. I know it won’t be easy, but it will be fun, inspiring, awesome and wonderful. Therefore I’m promising to make use of The DailyPost, and the community of other bloggers with similar goals, to help me along the way, including asking for help when I need it and encouraging others when I can.

If you already read my blog, I hope you’ll encourage me with comments and likes, and good will along the way. And to you my dear reader, I extend to you the warmest gratitude for all of your support.

Devotedly yours,


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